Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fake News??

Thats right some news stories can be classified as “fake.” This type of news is brought to you mostly by Public Relation consultants. But hey its their job to advertise on behalf of companies and make them look good; no matter what. Even when realistically, they could be having huge problems that they do not want the public to know the entire truth about; (like a lawsuit or accusation). For high profile companies the consultants are paid large amounts of money to work their hardest to back them and make what was a negative a positive. 

I am beginning to learn that the journalists are the ones who try to dig for the truth and the PR people are paid to turn a story into a successful one.  So next time you are reading a so called “news” story on a company remember there is probably a lot of information left out and/or is turned around into a promotion of some sort

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