Monday, November 23, 2009

Disney Has Taken Over!

“In the past 20 years, the nature of media ownership has undergone a radical alternation, caused by changes in legal rules governing the media.” (Lawrence Lessig p162).

Basically as Lawrence Lessig states, in the past different parts of media were owned by different companies. There were not major global media dominators as there are today! These days there are 8 companies that fall under this category. Alongside these companies, others struggle in competition. One of the major ones include Disney. Look around, Disney is actually everywhere! They have taken over many different elements of the media making them extremely powerful. This makes it hard for any other opponent to fight for a part of the success. 

“The global media system is better understood as one that advances corporate and commercial interests and values and denigrates or ignores that which cannot be incorporated into its mission.”(Robert McChensey p3).

According to McChensey, companies only care about profits and will only pay attention to ideas that will only benefit them in the end. For example; since Disney already has promised viewers and consumers in the United States they have accepted the idea of expanding over seas. This is made easy with the new communication technology connecting these companies to other parts of the media market (other nations).

So you may ask what does Disney own anyways? Well they own a lot. Some of these things include: ABC, ABC Family, ABC Kids. Disney Channel, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Pixar, Touchstone Pictures, Miramax Films, Disney Interactive Studios. Disney Cruise, Disney Radio, a website including trips, videos games etc....

And the list continues, that isn’t even half of what they actually own. Is this really necessary? They are triumphing and taking over the global media market. They have covered television programming, movie production, theme parks, resorts, and even video games plus merchandise. This can be considered as corporate control. One company owning everything? This is ridiculous, companies should not have that much media power over the world. Currently laws are being looked over about ownership rules and regulations. It isn’t fair for Disney to have such domination in various media aspects! What will they own next?!

Works Cited

“Walt Disney.”

Wikipedia. Accessed November 22, 2009

McChensey, Robert. “It’s a Small World of Big Conglomerates.”

The New Global Media. Accessed November 23, 2009

Lessig, Lawrence. Free Culture. London: 

Penguin Books 2004

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